Elevation at Edmund Taylor RAM
Tuesday 19th December 2017
The members and guests gathered in the lower lodge room in Adelaide Street Blackpool on the 19th.December for the Regular Meeting of Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No.296. The Lodge was called to order by the Lodge Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Ray K. Lamb ProvRAMGR at 7.00pm and the lodge was opened by the Worshipful Commander Robert F. Arrand.  Edmund Taylor RAM Lodge is honoured to have in its membership The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Keith Alan Beardmore and he was in attendance.  The Worshipful Commander welcomed The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master who was saluted by the assembled Brethren. The Lodge was also pleased to welcome those two Royal Ark Mariners that received promotion to RAMGR at the Grand Assembly seven days earlier, Worshipful Brothers Howard N. Emmett and Jimmy F. Rogers RAMGR  
Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Commander, and Candidate
After a few items of domestic business had been completed a ballot took place for Brother John Barry Shaw which proved favourable for the Candidate. On an alarm Brother Shaw was admitted and elevated into the order in a delightful ceremony by the Worshipful Commander. The signs of the degree were explained by the Immediate Past Commander Worshipful Brother Brian Ogden in an exemplary manner and the Working tools were presented by Brother Robert Bennett. Bro Bennett is one of Edmund Taylors latest recruits and is to be complimented on the way he delivered not an easy piece of ritual.
Under any other business was a presentation of a Grand lodge certificate, to Brother Ricky Clarke. The Worshipful Commander invited The Right Worshipful Master to present the certificate. Where is a Deputy or an Assistant or even a Special Representative when you want one, nevertheless our leader obliged and as you thought he might did an excellent job.
P.G.M., W.C. and newly appointed RAMGR
After Mark Masonic Charities were honoured, the Worshipful Commander closed the Lodge. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master accompanied The Worshipful Commander, along with the newly appointed RAMGR brethren from the Lodge Room but quickly returned for the usual photo-shoot. The lounge bar was the next port of call for a refreshing pre-dinner drink before being called to the dining room. Although it was very close to Christmas Edmund Taylor RAM lodge does not have the usual fare that lodges have at this time of year, a non-seasonal meal is usually the order of the day. The toasts were not too long as were the responses, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master compliment the Worshipful Commander and his officers on a splendid ceremony, particularly being the first meeting after his Installation and gave Seasonal Greeting to the members and guests and their respective families. When all the toasts were completed we returned to the bar where the Blackpool Mason Club Mega Raffle was taking place, over 125 prizes, now that's what you call a raffle.  
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan